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Ashaya 99 sense build

I love me some mono green big mana commanders and Ashaya's got it all. With all your creatures coming in as forests, it's hello landfall, hello mana. Also it's goodbye to all those nonland permanent boardwipes. It's an easy commander to build a budget deck around. All the cards in the 99 are $0.99 cents or less on the day I completed the build.

This deck loves a lot of budget cards that are ignored because land creatures are pretty uncommon.

Double the mana from my forest creatures, possibly for free if it's in my opening hand? Yes please.

Then get out a huge hexproof threat that will only get bigger. There are plenty of other cheap creatures that care about how many lands you have too, now they finally have a home.

This budget card might be the best find of this deck. Your green, you're not really doing much removal so you don't lose much. Plus, you have enchantment removal if you have to git rid of this later to let an opponent deal with another threat.

Card draw is always rough in green but with such big creatures to cast this one you can get a huge influx of cards ASAP then pull back your discards later with Creeping Rennaisance.

Then finish them off with your army of giant land cats, if the rest of your giant land creatures haven't already done the job done.

Here's the list of prices. Two cards peeked over the .99 cents mark before I could screen cap it. I think Leyline of Abundance will just continue to go up so get your's now.


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