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Kelsified - Dimir Zombie Aristocrats

I love playing aristocrats. No minion wants to work for me because no matter what color I'm playing, they're all getting red shirts. I was excited to build a deck around Kels for several reasons:

  1. Draw Engine in the Command Zone

  2. Sac Outlet in the Command Zone

  3. Indestructible Commander for Maximum Board Wipe Fun and Voltron Potential

I felt this deck would be wonderfully unpredictable. Blue and Black have the best cheap interaction to give it some control. Zombies can sac their way to victory or go wide in this build. If worse comes to worse, Kels can take the offensive with her indestructibility. It feels like this deck won't win in the same way each time, which is one of my pet peeves about deckbuilding. I hate sitting down to a game just to realize an opponents just trying to tutor up their one win con. Boring. Keep them guessing.


Kels having indestructible gives me so many opportunities to clear the board and keep it that way. My zombies are very recurrable from the graveyard so they don't mind it.


A lot of decks just aren't ready for Commander Damage as it's not a very common win con. It doesn't take a lot to get Kels there with indestructible and menace. Just a few equipments I was going to include anyways like blackblade, Sword of Feast and Famine and Shadowspear. Not the main focus, but it can catch folks off guard.


I don't always play aristocrats, but when I do, I play gravecrawler. This little guy might be the biggest reason I love zombies. He opens up a few infinite combos:

  1. Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm + Phyrexian Altar = Infinite Mana

  2. Gravecrawler + Grave Pact + Phyrexian Altar = Infinite Sacrifice Creature Edicts

  3. Gravecrawler + Diregraf Colossus + Phyrexian Altar = Infinite Zombie Tokens

  4. Gravecrawler + Diregraf Captain + Phyrexian Altar = Infinite Damage to Opponents

They aren't the focus of my deck, but they're there just in case they're needed. And blue gives me the chance to get back my phyrexian altar if it's removed.


Black and blue have the best MDFC (Modal Double Face Cards) allowing me so many more playables without weakening my mana base. Had to include these, going to be putting them in a lot more decks moving forward

I'll always have these aristocratic tendencies. Kels is my latest outlet. I've gone through a few favorites (Ayala, Grimgrin, Sir Konrad) and there's a place in my heart for all of them. But it's king of the mountain down there and right now, the fix is in.


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